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IWW Practice-W Exercise Archives
Exercise: "Free-for-all (2)"

These exercises were written by IWW members and administrators to provide structured practice opportunities for its members. You are welcome to use them for practice as well. Please mention that you found them at the Internet Writers Workshop (http://www.internetwritingwor kshop.org/).

Prepared by: Rhéal Nadeau
Posted on: Sun, 1 Jul 2001

We have had some challenging exercises lately, addressing various aspects of writing.

This week, I want to open things up again and have another free-for-all exercise, as an opportunity for us to review what we've been doing and each decide what we'd like to work on.

So there will be no set exercise. You can do (or redo) one of the previous exercises, or a variant. (The previous exercises are archived at http://www.internetwritingworkshop.org/pwarchive/index.shtml )

Or you can create your own exercise - perhaps you want to work on some aspect of point of view, or characterization, or story plotting. Is there some aspect of writing that's caused you problems, or which you think would provide an opportunity?

Be creative, and have fun!

Rhéal Nadeau's wrap-up
Posted on: Sun, 8 Jul 2001

This is the second time we've had a free-for all week, open to any exercise (whether one uses a previous exercise, or creates one's own.)

As happened the last time, participation tends to be a bit down during the free-for-all. On the other hand, many members took the opportunity to go back to a previous exercise they'd missed. On the whole, I think this provides the list with a bit of a breathing space - a chance to catch up, to review what we've done or not done.

The submissions, of course, were very diverse, and often very creative. Thanks and congratulations to everyone who participated.

It's my plan to have a free-for-all exercise every three months, the first week of each quarter. One thing to watch for in future will be to make sure all submissions meet the exercise format: setting a specific topic or aspect of writing, then submitting a suitable text.

Now, back to our regulary scheduled program of exercises...


Web site created by Rhéal Nadeau and the administrators of the Internet Writing Workshop.
Modified by Gayle Surrette.