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The prose poetry & flash fiction workshop

Prose-P is the workshop where Prose Poetry meets Flash Fiction (a.k.a. Sudden Fiction and Postcard Fiction).

The pieces submitted and critiqued here will often lean toward the "literary". Submissions are welcome from a few words long up to a maximum of 1000 words; most submissions will fall into the 500 to 750 word range. They will be intense, compact, and will often point up some profound thought, paradox, puzzle, or ambiguity. Sometimes they will have a twist and sometimes they will be just downright fun to read.

All members are required to post at least one submission and four critiques per month.

We also share market information.

If this is the type of writing you enjoy, join our group of Flashers and we will learn from each other about a genre that has increasing appeal to a world of busy readers.

While waiting for critiques on your work, critique the work of others. You'll learn more about writing if you critique much more than you submit. Try to say more than "I like it". Point out what you like and try to say why. When you dislike something in a piece, try to express why. Make suggestions and give concrete examples.

Theory discussion is also included on Prose-P. This covers those topics that will teach us all something about either flash fiction or prose poetry. The list is never to be used for general comments or chat or for solicitations for ezines. Included in these discussions are:

  • Journal Reviews, if you have first-hand knowledge of a journal we might consider submitting to. This is for hard-copy journals only, and only if you're familiar with the publication.
  • Concepts, if you'd like to tell us what some renowned writer or journal says about either flash fiction or prose poetry, or if you want to discuss some writing concept.
For more information, email the list administrator, Eric Petersen.

Web site created by Rhéal Nadeau and the administrators of the Internet Writing Workshop.
Modified by Gayle Surrette.